⚠️ Alpha Disclaimer

This open-source project is currently under construction and is subject to frequent changes and updates. For more information about our alpha release, see our Alpha Disclaimer


The MDAI Cluster provides a self-service control plane for OpenTelemetry, making it simple for users to oversee their observability telemetry and control costs efficiently.

MDAI Overview

📚 What is an MDAI Cluster?

Curious about what our cluster offers?

Let us inform you!

🌐 We're Open-Source

We will always be committed to improving open source, whether it's in-house or back to the community.

Learn more

🏛️ Our Architecture

Curious about what super-powers our infrastructure?

We're happy to share!

🚀 Installation

Ready to install? We have a few options for both learning and production use!

Let's learn!

🚢 Start Sending Data

Ready to send your MDAI Cluster data? We have a few methods.

Start sending now!

📈 Usage Guide

Already installed a cluster, but want to learn more about usage?

We will show you the way!

Want to jump ahead to install? Wait no more!
Installation guide ⏭️