🔒 Cognito

We knew it wouldn't be acceptable to leave your precious new resources unprotected and open to any user of the internet!

...Enter Cognito...

We've added the ability to connect Amazon Cognito easily to your new MDAI Cluster to limit access for undesired users.

Cognito is not supported in all AWS Regions. If you run into issues post-install, this is likely the reason. A typical error you would see looks like this:
Failed deploy model due to failed to create listener rule: ValidationError: Action type 'authenticate-cognito' must be one of 'redirect,fixed-response,forward,authenticate-oidc' status code: 400, request id: ########-####-####-####-############

The above error can be found in the AWS Console > EKS service.

You can access the ingress output manually:
EKS > Clusters > [YOUR_CLUSTER] > Resources > Service and networking > Ingresses > ui-alb-ingress

You can access the ingress output by hitting this link after updating the values in brackets:

Our installation includes the following resources upon creating an MDAI Cluster:

  1. User pool mdai-user-pool
  2. App client mdai-app-client

⚙️ Pre-built configuration

The following environment variables need to be defined in values/aws.env during the pre-build configuration step:

MDAI_UI_HOSTNAME This is a hostname for the UI endpoint, which is going to be used as a main UI hostname. This should directly relate to a DNS CNAME record, pointing to DNS hostname, generated by AWS for the Load Blancer mdai-console endpoint.

MDAI_UI_USER_POOL_DOMAIN This variable contains a prefix for User pool domain. Amazon Cognito domain is used with this installation, so this variable represents a prefix, for the domain. This domain name will become a part of the auth redirecting URL.

🧍User(s) creation

The only manual step required is a user(s) creation.

Option 1: Via the AWS Console UI

Please follow the Amazon Cognito User Pool documentation steps to create users(s) in mdai-user-pool.

Option 1: Via the AWS CLI

If you prefer to use the command line, this quick command will find the user group created as a result of the MDAI stack and perform the user create operations.

for up_id in $(aws cognito-idp list-user-pools --max-results 1  --region <your-region> --profile <your-profile> --query 'UserPools[?Name==`mdai-user-pool`].[Id]' --output text); do
    echo "Creaded user ${up_id}"
    aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id $up_id --username user@yourdomain.com --temporary-password P@55w0rd_fun --region <your-region> --profile <your-profile>

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