Verify installation

Verify the MDAI Cluster via kubectl

Ensure your cluster is up and running.

Verify namespaces

List out all namespaces

kubectl get ns

Expected output

Verify namespaces

Verify pods

List out all pods in the default namespace.

kubectl get pods

Expected output

Your output for default configuration should be similar to:

Verify pods

Verify the Console is up and running

Step 1: Navigate to your AWS EC2 Load Balancer in the AWS Console

Note: Replace AWS_REGION with the region you deployed to.

Step 2: Find the LB where the name is mdai-console

LB List

Step 3: Copy DNS Name from mdai-console LB


OPTIONAL: Use CNAME Record for Console Access

If you'd prefer to use a custom domain to access your MDAI Console (e.g.,, you can copy the Console Load Balancer Endpoint and create a CNAME record for you host provider (e.g., GoDaddy).

Once updated, you'll need to wait for the DNS mapping to resolve.

You may also need to add an SSL Cert to create a secure connection to your app using this mechanism.

Step 4: Navigate to the URL and view the console

Console Data Flow

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