AWS Install Prerequisites

System Requirements

Ensure your development environment has access to all of the following software and settings.

Note: This page assumes you’re using bash, but you can modify these configurations and commands as needed for your preferred command line interface.

  • Install Go (1.20 or higher) from source or use homebrew brew install go
  • GOBIN environment variable is set; if unset, initialize it appropriately, for example:
export GOBIN=${GOBIN:-$(go env GOPATH)/bin}

Note: We do install Helm automatically, however, it's important to note that we support Helm v3.13.0 and later. If you have helm installed, but at an earlier version, we cannot guarantee our install process will work as expected.

AWS Requirements

User Requirements

We never desire to exclude anyone from using our solutions. Instead we encourage and inspire you to obtain an intermediate knowledge of AWS (or a ton of grit) before continuing with this install. Here's a great AWS Training resource!

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