Install and manage local MDAI cluster with CLI

Our CLI will help you install and manage MDAI clusters locally.


Since we are using kind cluster you have to have Docker installed.

Download and install MDAI CLI

Install prebuilt binary via shell script

This command will download and install release v.0.1.0, you can check and download the latest release here.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install via Homebrew

To install prebuilt binaries via homebrew

brew install decisiveai/tap/mdai

Install MDAI cluster

To install MDAI cluster into local kind cluster run

mdai install

It will take couple minutes to spin up your cluster and have all k8s pods up and running.


You can check pod status by running

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Which should look like:


Manage MDAI cluster

Our CLI has a sample cluster defined and built in into installation process.
It starts two replicas of "gateway" OTEL collectors.
Let's check OTEL collectors configuration by running:

mdai get --config otel

For a full reference of CLI commands check here or run:

mdai --help

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