Let's update your AWS Environment Configs

Navigate to the values/aws.env file and start inputting the environment configuration that's relevant to your AWS account and infrastructure configurations.

The AWS Basics

These fields are essential for AWS account access and resource control in AWS. These settings guarantee the MDAI Cluster will be installed in your desired account, region, and created with a user profile who has the correct permissions to create infrastructure. This is especially useful if these values differ from the default configurations in your AWS SSO/auth settings.

KeyExample ValueDescription
AWS_REGIONus-east-1AWS Region to be used for MDAI cluster creation
AWS_ACCOUNT123123456AWS Account to be used for MDAI cluster creation
AWS_PROFILEAdmin-123123456AWS Profile to be used for MDAI cluster creation

MDAI Cluster - Helpful Contexts

KeyExample ValueDescription
MDAI_CLUSTER_NAMEmy-mdai-clusterA friendly name for your cluster

READONLY: EC2 and EKS Configurations

These values should be considered READONLY.

The values can technically be changed, however this is the minimum required configuration for running the MDAI infrastructure with performance and cost in mind. You can adjust the values to fit your needs, note it's at your own risk. We have not tested beyond this configuration, but plan to in the near future.

KeyREADONLY ValueDescription
MDAI_EC2_INSTANCE_CLASSt2EC2 Class used for nodes in the EKS cluster
MDAI_EC2_INSTANCE_SIZEmicroEC2 Size used for nodes in the EKS cluster
MDAI_CLUSTER_CAPACITY12Number of cluster EC2 nodes

Opt-in/out: MDAI Console UI Security

This is an opt-in/out feature that enables security via authentication on the Console UI app. By default your MDAI Console application will be exposed to the open internet for anyone to access.

Post-configuration, you will be presented with an option to configure more advanced authentication options in our AWS Authentication for your MDAI Console guide.

If you choose to remain opt'd-out ignore fields MDAI_UI_HOSTNAME and MDAI_UI_USER_POOL_DOMAIN.

KeyExample ValueDescription
COGNITOfalse (default)Opt-in to include Cognito in your cluster infrastructure
MDAI_UI_HOSTNAMEmdai.yourdomain.devA required field to map your MDAI Console UI URL to your custom domain via a CNAME record. This hostname will also be used during the SSL Cert creation for this flow.
MDAI_UI_USER_POOL_DOMAINyourdomainThe domain name Cognito uses to bind your domain to, e.g., yourdomain.com would use yourdomain here. (https://yourdomain.auth.AWS_REGION.amazoncognito.com). This setting guarantees your domain will have a TLS (SSL) certificate auto-generated and auto-discovered during install.
Due to our MDAI Cluster's Load Balancer capabilities, alongside security measures, we're only able to support full MDAI Cluster compatibility with a limited list of supported AWS Regions.
Should you choose to opt-in to Cognito, please be sure the AWS_REGION you selected is part of the supported region.

Opt-in/out: Node AutoScaling

Default should be true if you're unsure if you want this, please change to false.

Karpenter provides dynamic and efficient scaling of your Kubernetes clusters. It automatically adjusts the number of nodes based on the current workload, ensuring optimal resource utilization and cost efficiency.

KeyExample ValueDescription
KARPENTERtrue (default)An opt-in/out feature that enables autoscaling on the EC2 node sizes you have selected.

If you opt-in to this feature, we handle the configuration under the hood for you. You can read more about this configuration in our Node AutoScaling Guide.

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